Saturday, December 29, 2007
the reason i surf this site
i know, perhaps not a great pic, but look at the comment directly below it.
that is why.
Since I've Got No Life...
CLT: Hum Hallelujah by Fall Out Boy
My favorite song on IOH. it owns...
[during a "Diversity Day" exercise; Angela is wearing a sign on her forehead that says "Jamaican."]
Kevin: Hey.
Angela: Hey.
Kevin: You wanna go to the beach?
Angela: Sure.
Kevin: You wanna get high?
Angela: No.
Kevin: I think you do, mon.
OK, I'm Sorry
- JON! day has come and past, i got excellent items:
- i went over to Jordynn's yesterday to play Rock Band. it owns.
- Panic!'s new album is supposed to come out the 25 of March, we should all go to a concert for my birthday.
- Still have to find out how we're getting to Cobra Starship's show.
- TBS and RJA are supposed to have new albums out according to AP sometime this summer/fall. YAY!
- Currently listening to- Just Like Heaven by The Cure (one of my most favorite songs ever. TBS cover is good too.)
- Great Vid of The Week: Great Romances of the 20th Century - TBS. (look at adam's hair. oh Lord...)
- uh, new band of the week:
- we are having a game of the week, if you can tell me all of the songs these lyrics come from, i'll do something for you. but, since i'm broke, it will be handmade/internetly done. You can't read them? too bad, looks like you lose. (hint: the one that looks like HO is really OH and is from an AFI song from DU) (heh, and, instead of dreams in the teal one, it's supposed to be dream... whoops.)

Saturday, December 8, 2007
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Song Info. For The Week of 12/2/07-12/08/07

I Have Decided To Make A Blog
So you all, my best friends, can be informed.
- DO YOU CELEBRATE JON!?, the title of this blog is derived from a conversation on MSN between me and Melly. Basically it's about the video where Jon smells like Christmas. then i said we should put Jon in place of it. but it has to be capitalized. JON!
Ok, so this will be the first post of DO YOU CELEBRATE JON!?.
what to say... other than all that stuff that i have to say.
Ok, well, basically, i believe that:
Panic! At the Disco is the shit. Jon Walker being the best.
Taking Back Sunday is second. Only cause i didn't discover them before Panic!
um... i like emo bands, even though they don't like to be classified as that.
i don't like to use CAPS, but i do spell correctly.
um.. i luff all my friends. {you know who you are, no need to point out useless info}
um, i'm having a New Year's party for my lake friends. -sorry friends not from the lake, mainly all of you except zoey and hailee-
hm.. that's all for now, i can't be bothered to write anything more. i've got nothing interesting to say, other than the fact that only someone as talented as Adam Lazzara can hold a daisy in a non-gay way. Literally.
you want to know more about me? look at my bio. why you would, idk, but whatever.