Saturday, December 6, 2008
Which brings me to the subject of dancing. Hace recuerdo de formal. Or something like. Formal. I am not going. I am not sad about this at all, I'm sure it'll be awesome for the people who are going. We had a dance on Thanksgiving, and I have never been more miserable or felt more awkward in my life. I swear to God. So, I'm still going to Mel's after, but I don't need to spend 3 hours wishing I could run away from a dance!
SURVIVOR WAS SO FRICKING AMAZING! I don't know if I've ever been so happy about an episode! Even with Jason and Penner! Matty is basically a beast, and he also eats people's faces. So there.
CLT: Shake It [-SQUEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!] by Metro Station
Friday, November 14, 2008
Hm... What happened to the fun bullets????? We can make do.
-Band. NYC! I kid you not. 8 days. DRAG TRIPLETS. But also morning practice, sucky chair placement, and a concert. Yay... NOT!
-School. I hate it. Well, no, I hate my classes. Or maybe just teachers. I want summer to be here now, damn it!
-Lake. We are going there tomorrow after band, and I am so excited. Except that we're turning the water off. Not so exciting. Very sad, actually. But... Lake! -nudge nudge, wink wink-
-It snowed. I HATE snow. Except when it's a mountain and you can climb it. And chuck it at some certain person. [Like a brother]
-MUSIC. Omh, it's awesome to have an album with your same name. It's even more awesome when that album KICKS ASS!
-TV. Survivor is in full swing! I thought it was going to be a bit dull this season, on account of the lack of Jason [swoon], but no! Matty has come to take his place! I am not being biased here, I know he also shares my name... But HONESTLY! Haha, I'll include a picture for all you non-watchers.

-Internet. is pretty much the greatest thing ever. No lie. Um... That's where the orange peel frog came from. So that right there is proof.
Well, that's all for now... I'm tired and need to sleep. NO EARLY BAND TOMORROW! I CAN SLEEP IN!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Super Bien!
Fact: The only time you will hear someone say "It was cold, and my fingers nearly fell off, but THANK GOD for the weather" is when they are:
A- A penguin
B- Delusional
C- A member of a marching band in South Dakota
But, to be fair, if you think it's a penguin and it's talking, perhaps you are the delusional one.
That is all for today, this was all I could come up with while I was mowing the lawn.
AP Stats. Racist?
AP World History. Notes for test.
Spanish 3. Paragraph about my summer. I wonder if I can include the words Auschwitz and hell?
Friday, August 15, 2008
I Really Shouldn't Have
Fast Times At Barrington High reminds me why I love TAI. It's soooo much better than I expected. And sure, it seems to be more poppy-er, but it's not bad. I really didn't like Santi, and this has just renewed my faith in them. Forever Young = Summer Hair is stuck in my head. It's damn catchy. And His Girl Friday, also. Beware! Cougar! makes me laugh. Coppertone is awesome.
"About a Girl" - 3:30
"Summer Hair = Forever Young" - 3:39
"His Girl Friday" - 3:41
"The Test" - 3:29
"Rumored Nights" - 3:45
"Automatic Eyes" - 3:26
"Crowded Room" - 3:07
"Coppertone" - 3:18
"After the Last Midtown Show" - 5:13
"Beware! Cougar!" - 3:38
"Paper Chase" - 3:30
"One More Weekend" - 3:43
Thursday, August 14, 2008
I don't know if I've ever been this excited for a CD besides Panic! And TBS' new album is coming out soon, and TAI's is next Tuesday. Anything else interesting? Um... nope.
Parent's night on Friday. Suckage.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Jon og Walker. Oppdater En.
Sorry, they speak Gremlin. Which isn't the same as English. Mad props if you can figure out which language this is and actually read what I wrote.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
In Case I Lost My Train Of Thought, Where Was It That We Last Left Off?
But, since I'm bored,
Music / Movies / Literature:
Movie: The 10th Kingdom. --Never heard of it? Google that shit.
DVD: Deep Blue Sea. --Cue 'Bad Day'. Mostly cause it's fucking awesome.
Book: The first Warriors series. --Because cats have never been so interesting.
Magazine: Star. --Where else would I suck up all my useless knowledge?
Band: Panic! At The Disco --Need we discuss?
Song: 'When You Were Young' by The Killers --I don't exactly know why... He doesn't look a thing like Jesus / but he talks like a gentleman / like you imagined when you were young...
Album: Louder Now by Taking Back Sunday. --Because there isn't a single song that I'm tired of.
Concert: Honda Civic Tour. --Not explaining this one...
"Local" Band: Remedy Drive! --Okay, Lincoln, Nebraska's not that far away.
TV Show: Survivor. --Now, if Survivor had continued the downward spiral and The Office had continued to be as amazing as the second season, this would be different.
TV Actor: Rainn Wilson. --"You look cute today, Dwight." "Thanks, girl."
TV Actress: Paul Lieberstein. --'Cause according to Michael, Toby's not a proper man.
Actor: Jake Gyllenhaal. --Jared? He's cute, but...
Actress: Sandra Bullock. --Murder By Numbers, anyone?
Drink: Lipton Green Tea
Green Tea Flavor: Mixed Berries
Pop: Diet Pepsi Max
Juice: Apple
Breakfast: Whatever we have
Lunch: Turkey sandwich with spinach, turkey, tomato and mustard
Dinner: Turkey and green beans. Only Dad's kind though
Desert: Peach Ice
Flavor Of Mike's Hard Lemonade: Green Apple
PC: Jaws
XBOX 360: Rock Band
DS: Cooking Mama
GBA: Pokemon Emerald
GB: Tom & Jerry
Board: Clue
TV: Scene It
Place: The Lake
Sport: Soccer
Method Of Transportation: Plane
Vacation Spot: Hawaii
Stuffed Animal: Eduardo
Article Of Clothing: Gray TBS shirt
Memory: Seeing Jon Walker for the first time at the HCT
Holiday: 4th of July. Initiation.
Lake Memory: Throwing rocks
[... Let's Pick Up, Pick Up]
This Was No Accident...
Answer: You don't.
That concert made me realize how much I do love them. I mean, I know the extent of my love, and I'm sure you all do too, but watching them play Camisado literally brought tears to my eyes. It's been almost 2 years since we saw them last, and a lot has changed, with us and with them. They've exploded onto "the scene", and we've matured and switched schools. We've made new friends and lost some. They've gained fans and lost some. I was nervous about Pretty. Odd. I was, terrified in fact. What was going to happen if I hated that album? I couldn't just drop them, they're my favorite band. Favorite. I have a lot of favorite things, and I tend to use the word loosely. This is my absolute favorite band in the entire world. How was I to know that they would get so big, so fast? Obviously they weren't playing in bars when I discovered them, but they weren't playing in amphitheatres either. I'm so proud of them, and I hope they continue to amaze and astound.

Lying... also brought tears to my eyes. This is what started it all. A song about "fucking" as Brendon says. This song is the highest played Panic! song I have for a reason. They played this at the Nothing Rhymes With Circus show and for me to hear it at the Honda Civic Tour brought back memories from over 2 years ago. They played it just as good as they did 2 years ago.
I'm sure most of you know that Camisado is my favorite Panic! song ever. It's not that I can relate, no alcoholic dad for me, but it connected with me in a way I don't even know. I was singing along at the top of my lungs at the NRWC show, terribly, I might add. HCT was a bit different. Okay, so they've got 2 solid albums out, roughly 28 songs. Which do they play? I was assuming that they would play all the singles and the most well known. They played most of those, but then for us "die-hard" fans, they threw in a couple less well-known songs off AFYCSO. They played Camisado and I started screaming and singing and laughing and tearing up all at the same time. It's amazing what Panic! At The Disco can cause you to do. Brendon, Ryan, Spencer, and Jon, I am so grateful for everything you do.

Oh God, this is a sap post again! DAMN! I'm gonna have to lighten my life up a bit...
I just wanted to post and say thank you to everyone that was there, it was unbelievable to spend that night with you and to say that we share the memories. Love you guys!

...This Was A Therapeutic Chain Of Events.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Just When You Thought It Wasn't Possible...
Okay, so it's the first official day of not having school and I'm sitting here writing a blog post. I hope this isn't reflective of the rest of my summer... Not that I don't love you guys and all. I also have to mow the lawn today. Dad said I should be careful, it's already been crashed into our swingset by Alex. Why Dad let him mow I have no idea. I was very upset until Dad said he wasn't getting paid. Then all was well in the world.
Okay, back to why I'm a human tomato. Well, Hailee and I decided to go kayaking to the point to look at the carp. Where we go Alex goes, so he tagged along. I had put sunscreen on my face prior to this, when I decided that I was going to tan on our porch. Yes, I do actually lay out there sometimes. Not often, that's for sure. Well, to be honest, I didn't even think about using sunscreen. The water was cold, that was my rational. Anyways, we got to the point and the carp were being carp and splashing us because we were interuppting their mating. It was great fun actually, I love running the carp over while they're in the middle of procreating. It makes me feel powerful, like God or something... No, I didn't just say that. Anyways, Hailee then had the bright idea to go to the bridge. We were certain it was just around the other side of the point. Suffice to say, it wasn't. We continued on though, the arm muscles weren't even sore yet. Key word: yet. We eventually kayaked down to the next point. We still hadn't seen the bridge, but we were confident it wasn't too far away. Haha, yeah. So, we started kayaking to what looked like a bridge and were oh-so-thankful to see that it was. So we parked our kayaks on the beach and ran to the water underneath it. This is going to be hard to explain, so create an image in your mind. Okay, it's like this little stream coming from a reservior. There are carp in it, and the water is like 10 inches deep. Yeah, the carp weren't even fully submerged. There was a pretty strong current flowing down to the lake, but the carp wanted to be upstream. So they were being salmon and going against it. Nothing can be salmon except salmon, so it wasn't working that great. Anyways, we hopped in the stream, played with the salmon, walked upstream. Swam a little in the reservior and decided to go back, because Zoey was coming and we didn't want her to be pissed. This was at like 3:00. We got back to the cabin at 4 and Zoey had been spending an hour with my mom. Zoey, if you see this, I'm sorry! But in total we went 6 miles in 4 hours. Without sunscreen... Okay, picture time!

Saturday, May 17, 2008
Lake tomorrow, well, today actually
Panic! At The Disco Concert on May 31, in Council Bluffs, Iowa
Laking it up every weekend
4th Of July Week -- INITIATION!
Spat Camp
And that's about it. I hope you all have more things to do than I do. It's a really quite pathetic list.
Okay, I don't know how I'm going to survive not seeing you guys. That might be the hardest thing about summer. Once we go to school for 2/3 of the year it becomes a habit to walk with you guys between classes or before or after school, or even eat lunch. It's going to be especially hard to adjust to that this summer, and frankly, I have no idea why. Randomly when I'm eating lunch alone I'm just going to start having conversations with you guys. Yeah, it'll be so fucked up and crazy, but I'll do it to keep myself sane. (Conversations with yourself = sane). I don't know. Maybe I've just grown more mature, or maybe less. With our conversations, who knows. The fact that I don't know what to do with my life may be making summer seem so much larger, too. After this I only have 3 years to decide what the hell I want to do when I get older.
Oh my God, this is such a girly post. Like, all indepth and analytic and stuff. Things I'm not really known for. Well, I'm extremely tired, but oh-so-hyper becuase of test grades. Yeah, that's right, I got a 100% on my acc alg II test. I'm going to keep saying that until one of you hits me. I'm just that proud of it. I had a B in that class. Yeah, a B is good, but sometimes I don't think you guys understand that it's just not acceptable for me. Those of you who get B's, I swear I don't love you any less. It's just kind of a big deal for me, to prove that I can do something. Some of us can sing. Some of us can play the guitar like nobody's business. Some of us are naturally hilarious and awkward and could do it professionally. Some of us are so fashion-savy that you could pull anything off. Some of us are the short, blonde friend. I'm really none of that, I'm the one that get's straight A's. I think I'd like to be known for that. It seems like it has some lasting value, but I probably only think that because I want it to. The rest of you that got straight A's, good job, one year down, three to go!
I feel like such a moron and a sap for posting all this reflective stuff, but sometimes it's just good to get it out. Sometimes I feel like I can't rant about things that include my parents and grades because I get attacked if I do. Whatever. I'm not trying to single anyone out or anything, it's just nice to be the one to get the best grade. And that's fucked up and so dumb and juvenile and retard-ish, but it's comforting.
I guess I just want to thank you all for making my first year of High School amazing. Really, it was. I love HS. Many people hate school. I really don't. In fact, I'm sad it's over. But, as Melly said, we're only underclassmen now! I love you guys, and I hope that we can get together enough in the summer to not lose the inside jokes or comfortableness (totally not a word) that I've gained with you.
Even as I sit here at 12:27, I keep forgetting that we don't have school. Even as I write my post about not-having school I forget that I don't have any homework to do. It's gonna be kinda sad not seeing all the people I did at Lincoln, the ones who I don't know and just like to look at. If you know who I'm talking about, you better not say a single fucking word about this person. -POINTED STARE- Heh... well, I need to shower, my hair isn't going to clean itself.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Yup, I'm a Member of the Church Now... No, I Don't Know How I Did It Either
You really want to know? Okay, 58. Yup, so when I disappear one day, and all of my clothes are at home. ALL OF THEM. You'll know where I am. Well, I hope I'm wearing clothes when I get attacked, so maybe a t-shirt and a pair of shorts will be gone... And whatever else I choose to wear on that fateful day... Jeez, I might have to start locking my windows and jamming a chair under my door handle now.
You are correct in wondering why someone would want to steal me. Especially a sex offender. Well, I've heard they like slacker children who have a B in Acc. Alg. II and don't do their Acc. English project until mere hours before it's due. That's just something I've heard though. Could be true, or it could be blasphemy.
Well... I've discovered a new song that puts all the other ones to shame. It's dirty and raunchy, but it's amazing.
It is a cover of "Baby I Got Your Money" originally by Ol' Dirty Bastard, but now SAY ANYTHING!!!
Ohhh baby
I dedicate this to all the pretty girls
All the pretty girls
It's on
All the pretty girls, in the world
And the ugly girls too
Cause to me your pretty anyways baby
You give me your number, I call you up
You act like your pussy don't interrupt
I don't have no problem with you fucking me
But I have a little problem with you not fucking me
Baby you know I'll take care of you
Cause you say you got my baby, and I know it ain't true
Is it a good thing? No its bad bitch
For good or worse, makes you switch
So I walk on over with my Cristal
Bitches, nword put away your pistols
Bemis won't be having it in this house
Cause bitch I'll cripple your style
Now that you heard my calm voice
You couldn't get another nword, hoochie won't get moist
If you wana look good and not be bummy, girl you better give me that money
Hey, dirty, baby I got your money
Don't your worry, I said hey.
Baby I got your money[x2]
Yo! So I glanced at the girls, girls glanced at me
I whispered in their ear, "Wanna be with me?"
You wana look pretty though, in my video
Ol' Bemis on the hat and I let you all know
Just dance! If you caught up in the holy ghost trance
If you stop! I'll put the killer ants in your pants
I'm the M-A-B as you can see
FBI, don't you be watching me
I don't want no problems cause I put you down
In the ground where you cannot be found
I'm just Bem dog trying to make sum money
So give me my streaks and give me my honey
Radio, yes all day, everyday
Recognize I'm a fool and you love me!
None of you nmph better look at me funny
Nmph you know my name now give me my money
Sing it, sing it girls! Sing it right now!
Yo, if Bemis want his money
Just give him his money
That's how I like girl
Sexy, sexy, sexy
Sexy, sexy, sexy
Sexy, sexy, sexy
Sexy, sexy, sexy
Yo, yo!
Nword playing in the club like this all night
Bitches put your ass out let me hold it tight
You looking at my wrist saying "it's so nice"
The price bitch is diamonds shining disco light
You better help me solve my problem
Or I'll get this money and rob them
Lucky dig when I won the lotto
Ran up on my car for carrying (ryllos?)
You can call me Bemis, and then lift up your skirt
And you want this Bemis, god made Bem and Bem will bust your ass
Stop annoying me, yeah! I play my music loud
t takes the bastard ol' Bemis, to move the crowd
They say he had his balls in his mouth
Sysco taught me that back in the house
But give me my money!
Hey, dirty, baby I got your money
Don't your worry, I said hey.
Baby I got your money[x2]

Jeez. Max Bemis does the best voices, and this song is no joke. It's sick. Yup, ghetto slang right there. Rubbing off already. Is it a problem that I walk around singing "you can call me Bemis and then lift up your skirt" in my head? I think it is. Alex and I were singing this on the car ride to Confirmation. Nothing to get you in the spirit like dirty songs. Then we broke out in Hollaback Boy. Yes, he knows that. I know, I worry for him too...
Well, you can have a picture for your reading efforts I guess... This is me in my dress, please don't laugh, english is making my extremely fragile right now. I apologize for looking pregnant in this, the wind was blowing it. Funny story, by the way. Okay, so we had to go get formal pictures, and as I was walking in, the wind totally blew my dress up. Think Marilyn Monroe? I kid you not. Thankfully Alli and Connor didn't seem to notice. It would have been bad. Terrible... Well, that's all for now, you may get back to your lives.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Because It's An Anberlin Song / Song Of The Week [4/24/08]
"No, I swear it's safe, it's just Hot Topic!"
Um... to follow the pattern, I'm gonna post the song that has been in my head most of the week:
The Sky's Alive by Remedy Drive
its dark outside but truth is beautiful/ its warmth in the nightthe curse is healed when day breaks colorful/ what a sight
its coming, i feel the sunrise/ its coming, its coming down
the faded sky is tearing away/ these fires are not for lightthe feeble eyes are waiting for day/ the sky's alive tonight
i'll build my home upon this stone/ even though they threw it outits getting late, i'm going to wait for it/ the final shout
I don't want to post a picture, use your imagination. Or if you know how amazingly cute they are, just picture them.
I guess this song is so amazing because Philip sang / wrote / everything'd it. And he's my favorite. Not that I don't love them all. In their own way.
"Because it's an Anberlin song," -thinks: no, it's not, Philip wrote it!- "PSYCH!"
Sunday, April 13, 2008
I Guess I Should Post This
Answer: Of course it is. It's also me you're talking about. I don't have cable, the internet is slower than I ever thought possible, and all I'm doing is reading online stories.
HPSOI:DO YOU FEEL! by The Rocket Summer
^^ Honestly, that's not a surprise. At all. It's probably my favorite one off the entire album, and my third favorite song in the world? I was annoyed at the playcount so I reset it and so it only has 218 plays. I think before I reset it, Lying had the most. Which is not a surprise either. That song introduced me to Panic! At The Disco. Yes, the Goddamn exclamation is still there. This makes me feel all sad thinking about it!
S/AOTW:Where You Want To Be by Taking Back Sunday
Honestly, I didn't think I liked that many songs on this album, MAYBE 2. I hadn't really listened to it. Now, it's pure amazazingness.
Favorite Song On It: New American Classic, FOR SURE!
"Just ask the question come untie the knot
Say you won't care, say you won't care
Retrace the steps as if we forgot
Say you won't care, say you won't care"
TBS = Love
Wow, if you can figure out thos acronyms, claps for you. But no present because I still owe Stetts something...
NS/AOTW: Minutia by 504 Plan
Yeah, let's see any of you get your hands on this. You could try, you could search the internet, search the stores, and you wouldn't find it. It's amazing! 504 Plan is Jon Walker's old band, well, maybe it's not his, it's JUST BASS! (haha), but he's in it. Playing Bass/Vocaling. Obviously. No, he plays... THE GLOCKENSPIEL! Of course! No. ANYWAYS! It's super good, and dumb Patrick and Pete do guest vocalling. Who knew Pete could vocal??? Anyways, yet again, it's amazing
"I like it when we roll over and over
And talk to ourselves
It's not like something
I wish that I could have, I won't forget it,
To talk in circles like we do.
And with your half hearted laugh,
I'm forgetting the things I should say.
like when I said I needed help,
When I said I miss you."
Did everyone see how many honestlies that was? Now you can see that I really mean it, or that I'm just rambling... They're basically the same thing anyways... -eye roll-
Nothing's Happened This Week To Create A Witty Title
- Almost Here
- DECEMBERUNDERGROUND (I like to type it with all the caps and such)
- A very tattered copy of Take This To Your Grave
- WHERE YOU WANT TO BE!!!!! Oh my gosh, I was SOOOOOO excited, I have been looking for this for forever!
- I also got a movie starring Michael Pitt
OH! Forever The Sickest Kids' new CD comes out the 29 of April, apparently the single is good, the internet is too slow to download it now. Um... Survivor was basically amazing. JASON SISKA ROCKED ASS AT THAT CHALLENGE! haha, he was amazing, that little snorkle thing... ingenious!
Well, if you haven't seen it, I'm sorry, you really should.
Um, that's about it, I don't really have anything interesting to say, other than to point out that I actually capitalized some stuff in this post, that's a first! Claps for me! Well, we have our band concert, and I'm really sucking at that solo, I think Stetts should play it... What do you say?
Saturday, April 5, 2008
hilariousness in the form of rekky and i:
- What Emo Kid has going for him:
- Skinny
- Vans (we think)
- AVA shirt
- Emo hair
- What Emo Kid doesn't have going for him:
- Zip-Off sweatpants. i kid you not
- Prince charming hair flip
- Spencer Kid.
- Like little Spencer, but with only one chin
- Actual Spencer
- "fine don't say hi then" "uh..."
- Isabella Walker
- Samantha Urie
- Take a pic and text it to Ron the Emo Guru
- (we must've been high)
- Dane Cook
- Soul Pants
- "Sewage Falls"
- Dylan stalking
- "Had ice in it's hoof"
- Clover and Dylan
- Sweet and Spicy Doritos
- Let me just say how amazing Survivor was on thursday. jason was made for that challenge. physically, he's amazing. mentally... idk. haha, thank god for eliza. that girl is my new hero. Besides rekky for taking stalker pics and melly for... well, i don't remember now, but it was for something important.
- "NO DEAR BOY, I TRIED TO KILL YOU!" these are just the things i notice while watching hp.
- Survivor Fan Podcasts > Downloading Limit = Slow as fuck internet
Okay, so just let me explain something to you about the lake. As you'll notice in this picture, there is a whole trail of seaweed. under that is ice. Hai, Alex and I walked almost to the point on that. Super Fun! But, in some places it wasn't there. so, we had to traverse in the ice water. yes, i know what you're thinking. It was cold. but, it was only cold on the lake side. on the shore side it was quite warm. almost like a bath. it got to be really hot and sunny while we were doing that, so walking in the ice water was almost fun. note the 'almost' there. quite commonly we fell off the side, and i stepped and my foot scratched on ice. tons-o-fun you're thinking. quite right you are. i also spotted a TON of dead things. first it was the opposom. also known as op-som. then there was the dead bird, then the goose foot, then the frog, then the fish fins, then the fish vertabrae, then the crawfish claw. yeah, do you see that list? we also were running around, high on adrenaline, or oxygen, whichever. what i wrote in the catwalk is still there, and so is what hai wrote. haha. i really hope they don't see that though, that'd be weird...

^^^ this is Hailee and I standing on the seaweed. When we went way to the point we didn't have our shoes on though, this was after.
- "over 61 million people DID IT last night" --what the hell?
- "alright hermione?" "Never better!" in that annoying voice. at least they're maturing now.
okay, so if they weren't totally biased, technically gryffindor would've been in fourth. but since they're all suckups, they get more. i think it's just dumbledore's excuse to impress harry.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
It's 12:10, and Where Are You?
My week was great, thanks for asking. I got a 100% on my english project, but i still have a B in alg. Which sucks. I've got 37 points of EC though, hopefully that helps. Yesterday we watched Rendition, which is a bit difficult to follow when you only see a fourth of it, but it was pretty good. Tonight we watched Chaos, which was actually pretty amazing. It had Jason (?) Statham in it, and he's pretty good, i guess. It was also about the chaos theory (kinda) like Jurassic Park, which instantly makes it amazing. The plot wasn't bad either, and i was expecting the worse. I felt an affinity to it, much like i did for Pan's Labryinth. Which is totally one of my favorite movies. That white guy with the eyes. Well, i guess most white guys have eyes, but this one had them in his hands. Which nominates them, cause he was basically retarded. Perhaps gay, they never really showed his preferences, i don't believe that's what the movie was about, though he did eat those fairies... Ah well, they were dumb anyways.
Movie you should all go see:
Drink and Be Merry!
or just drink, whatever you prefer.
Reasons abound as to the source of discontent, perhaps he got bored of repeating the same vocal line over and over again throughout each song, or maybe he grew tired of being smashed in the face by the nonce with the microphone who insists on swinging it at every opportunity. --- The Color Fred Review. The nonce would be my beloved Adam. "He" would be Fred. Let's use our brains, idiots. No, the he is, i don't know, JON!
Sunday, March 2, 2008
What One Does When One Has No Life
In other news...
Who am i kidding? To have other news you have to have a life. Which i don't, thereby preventing me from having other news. Skip to the next section!
Band/Album/Song/-insert other crap here- Of the Week!
Highest Played Song On iTunes: Do You Feel by The Rocket Summer
Song Of The Week: The Ballad Of Sal Villanueva
"I hope he takes his time
and I hope he keeps your eyes closed tight
I hope that when he leaves,
you still smell him on your sheets
cause I can, I can."
-this is why we love TBS
Album Of The Week: Don't You Fake It. Yes, it's old, but OH SO AMAZING! They've got a new album coming out!!!!!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Maddy Is... Sick and listening to TAI...
well, since we haven't had an artist of the week for awhile, i thought i would do one now.
i really luffles them
DC Myspace
"Dashboard Confessional is an American Alternative Rock band, led by singer-songwriter and guitarist Chris Carrabba, from Boca Raton, Florida, USA."
you should all check out stolen if you don't have it. it's the most amazing thing, i love it soo much!
and, i have to have an album of the week.
WHICH most definitely is The Academy - EP
[so amazing, can't even describe it]
"The Academy is the eponymous debut EP of The Academy Is..., released on March 23, 2004 by LLR Recordings. The CD was released before the band appended the "Is..." to their name. It features drummer Mike DelPrincipe and guitarist AJ LaTrace, who left the band after the recording of their full-length debut, Almost Here (2005)."
that's all for now folks.
[Jim set a fence of pencils up between Dwight and his desk]
Dwight Schrute: Your pencils are creating a health hazard. I could fall and pierce an organ.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
today melly and i talked about Jason Siska. Whom i get. Stay away from him. I found a video of him on Survivor talking about himself. *Note: he doesn't say anything about his best friend Bill, or about TAI, but just you wait, he will one day, and we will all fricking spaz.
it won't let me post the video, just go watch it, it's the same thing.
Maddy (6:06 PM): Jason Siska
Maddy (6:06 PM): i really want him to say something about TAI
Maddy (6:06 PM): like majorly
Melanie Dumdei (6:07 PM): god knows he'll be kicked off first episode now...
Maddy (6:07 PM): and i think jason's the brother that was best friends with bill... so he should say someting about him too
Maddy (6:07 PM): i know
Maddy (6:07 PM): that movie makes me just laugh
Maddy (6:07 PM): he's totally got the same kind of thinking i do
Melanie Dumdei (6:07 PM): he almost fell into the water
Melanie Dumdei (6:07 PM): hahahahhaa
Maddy (6:07 PM): i'm collecting every survivor advertisement that i can find
Maddy (6:07 PM): i know
Maddy (6:08 PM): he's totally able to survive there just almost fell in the water, but he's good...
Melanie Dumdei (6:08 PM): he's kinda cute
Melanie Dumdei (6:08 PM): sisky's got competition with his kin
Maddy (6:08 PM): i know
Maddy (6:08 PM): he kinda looks like adam lazzara at :37
Maddy (6:09 PM): he's rly cute... in a gymnastic-y way
Maddy (6:09 PM): i love how he's doing hand stands and stuff
Melanie Dumdei (6:09 PM): "sorry guys, it's survivor night..."
Melanie Dumdei (6:09 PM): YAY JASON SISKA!
Maddy (6:09 PM): Exactly
Melanie Dumdei (6:10 PM): he's real scrawny
Maddy (6:10 PM): that's totally who i was too, like
Maddy (6:10 PM): don't call, cause i have to watch survivor
Melanie Dumdei (6:10 PM): "i'm a gymnast, i'm a rock-climber, a fish outta water"
Maddy (6:10 PM): and i used to make my dad speed after soccer practice so i could get home
Melanie Dumdei (6:10 PM): that's basically saying "i'm gay"
Melanie Dumdei (6:10 PM): gymnast
Melanie Dumdei (6:10 PM): psh
Melanie Dumdei (6:10 PM): be a bassist
Maddy (6:10 PM): i'm pretty sure he ment a fish in water...
Maddy (6:10 PM): aw... he's too cute tho!
Maddy (6:10 PM): plus he talks about the "ladies"
Maddy (6:10 PM): haha
Melanie Dumdei (6:10 PM): i know...
Maddy (6:11 PM): it's unbelievable
Maddy (6:11 PM): i love him
Maddy (6:11 PM): HE"S MINE
Maddy (6:11 PM): you all can have TAI
Maddy (6:11 PM): i want him
Maddy (6:12 PM): and you know, normal people bring like, shaving cream as their luxory item, or floss? he brought a guitar. for the people
Maddy (6:12 PM): he should totally play TAI songs
Maddy (6:12 PM): it would make the entire TAI fanbase shriek
Melanie Dumdei (6:12 PM): he's only 22
Maddy (6:12 PM): he's a youngin'
Maddy (6:12 PM): but still older than siskeh
Melanie Dumdei (6:12 PM): ya know, a toothbrush or soap
Melanie Dumdei (6:13 PM): you can't wash with a guitar
Maddy (6:13 PM): haha
Maddy (6:13 PM): well, normal people
Maddy (6:13 PM): who knows about him
Maddy (6:13 PM): yupp, or like, another pair of shoes or clothes. to wear. not a guitar!
and, what would panic! bring as their luxury item??? melly and i attempt to pin it down!
Melanie Dumdei (6:14 PM): brendon would bring jon
Melanie Dumdei (6:14 PM): jon would bring...dylan
Maddy (6:14 PM): obv, no need to think
Maddy (6:14 PM): spencer would bring food
Maddy (6:14 PM): ryro would bring a scarf
Maddy (6:15 PM): or vanilla deodorant
Maddy (6:15 PM): to attract the men
Melanie Dumdei (6:15 PM): spencer being the only intelligent one in the group...
Maddy (6:15 PM): haha
Maddy (6:15 PM): yeah
Maddy (6:15 PM): or the fattest?
Maddy (6:15 PM): except jon would totally lose weight and become hot again
Melanie Dumdei (6:15 PM): he's not that fat anymore
Melanie Dumdei (6:15 PM): neither is jon
Maddy (6:15 PM): yeah
props to you if you read that all... if you didn't. well, screw you, it was hilarious and an entertaining half an hour
hm... so, what to talk about... oH! my throat is on fire. and it hurts. obviously. but yeah. i may just be getting what melly had. and now rekky too apparently. great!
my solo is on tuesday at 1:30 for all you people who are skipping and coming to listen to me
it'll suck, but whatever. i hope i don't fricking screw it up like the one a couple of weeks ago!
well, our band concert is monday. i'll be the clarinet in the first row on the outside. or you'll see me tuning the band. suckishly. God, i have soo much pressure, and stetts is laughing at me, i'll screw it up so badly, whatever...
well, the electric fence guy "forgot" to come, so we are subjected to another 3 days of acutally walking snoopy. which sucks. thank god we dont' have to do that the entire year. i would prolly let her run off. as much as i love her...
Hai, if you're reading this, get your ass back on gmail or send me the story!!!!!!!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
- Supposed to be doing Acc. Alg. II homework. Which i don't get. it should go die in a fiery inferno. comprable to the depths of hell. or alex. they're both equally horrible.
- had an interesting conversation with him tho.
[jordynn on phone. "tell alex he's the brent of the family"]
M: alex, you're the brent of the family.
A: you're the opposite of jon. ugly.
M: ooh, jon's hot now is he? -man crush-
A: NO!
- well, we all know what he ment... he definately thinks jon's sexy..
- well, he is, but i don't want alex thinking that. brendon thinking that is enough...
- here's our fun Panic! (always with the !) synopsis. titles make me laugh. fiddle makes me mad. review makes me EXCITED!
- HERE! < (is link)
- my life has been most excellent since i posted last. doing this makes me wish i was jon and had some cool excuse as to why i slack off here... well... i discovered AFI did a cover of Just Like Heaven.... pretty much the sweetest thing ever (sweet as in cool, they're not sweet people [as in grandmother-sweet])
ugh, if anyone knows the simplified form of- oh whatever, i can't type it in, too many symbols.... well, when i'm not there tomorrow, it's cuase i didn't finish alg. and i died.
luffles, MADDY!
[clt: Tonight The Streets Are Ours by Lady's Bridge (why do i have this song? hm... it sucks, must get rid of it. too happy)]
- Stetts, no prize yet, have to bring up my 86.66% in alg. first
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Ugh, i'm to mad to post anything other than band of the week... here we go
WHoO! The Sounds are the band of the week!
The Sounds
The Sounds are an upbeat New Wave band from Helsingborg, Sweden founded in 1999. Their musical style is primarily New Wave with punk and pop/electronica influences. Most songs make integrated use of synthesizers, and Maja Ivarsson provides a spunky vocal lead
Ok,.... i love them... so yeah, that's about it..
Living In America
Tony The Beat
Painted By Numbers
^^fave songs...
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
- First, they don't preform. i planned my whole evening around them! GOD!
- Ok, new song, we should all be yay-ing. Except for the fact that it doesn't even sound like a song. it's SOOOO simple sounding. Perhaps, when finished it will sound better... idk, i'm really upset with them, honestly. Well, CS's new video came out today, it makes me laugh, go search it on YouTube.
um. NYE was really fun, i had a great time with all of you!
nothing new to report, other than i think i want to go to CS's concert, but other times i'm not sure, cause i HAVE to be able to go to a Panic! one if they come near here.