- Supposed to be doing Acc. Alg. II homework. Which i don't get. it should go die in a fiery inferno. comprable to the depths of hell. or alex. they're both equally horrible.
- had an interesting conversation with him tho.
[jordynn on phone. "tell alex he's the brent of the family"]
M: alex, you're the brent of the family.
A: you're the opposite of jon. ugly.
M: ooh, jon's hot now is he? -man crush-
A: NO!
- well, we all know what he ment... he definately thinks jon's sexy..
- well, he is, but i don't want alex thinking that. brendon thinking that is enough...
- here's our fun Panic! (always with the !) synopsis. titles make me laugh. fiddle makes me mad. review makes me EXCITED!
- HERE! < (is link)
- my life has been most excellent since i posted last. doing this makes me wish i was jon and had some cool excuse as to why i slack off here... well... i discovered AFI did a cover of Just Like Heaven.... pretty much the sweetest thing ever (sweet as in cool, they're not sweet people [as in grandmother-sweet])
ugh, if anyone knows the simplified form of- oh whatever, i can't type it in, too many symbols.... well, when i'm not there tomorrow, it's cuase i didn't finish alg. and i died.
luffles, MADDY!
[clt: Tonight The Streets Are Ours by Lady's Bridge (why do i have this song? hm... it sucks, must get rid of it. too happy)]
- Stetts, no prize yet, have to bring up my 86.66% in alg. first