Sunday, March 9, 2008

It's 12:10, and Where Are You?

I'm here, talking to you guys. Well, i doubt you're reading this at 12:10, unless by miraculousness you are, so i guess i'm only typing this to you guys.

My week was great, thanks for asking. I got a 100% on my english project, but i still have a B in alg. Which sucks. I've got 37 points of EC though, hopefully that helps. Yesterday we watched Rendition, which is a bit difficult to follow when you only see a fourth of it, but it was pretty good. Tonight we watched Chaos, which was actually pretty amazing. It had Jason (?) Statham in it, and he's pretty good, i guess. It was also about the chaos theory (kinda) like Jurassic Park, which instantly makes it amazing. The plot wasn't bad either, and i was expecting the worse. I felt an affinity to it, much like i did for Pan's Labryinth. Which is totally one of my favorite movies. That white guy with the eyes. Well, i guess most white guys have eyes, but this one had them in his hands. Which nominates them, cause he was basically retarded. Perhaps gay, they never really showed his preferences, i don't believe that's what the movie was about, though he did eat those fairies... Ah well, they were dumb anyways.

Movie you should all go see:



Drink and Be Merry!
or just drink, whatever you prefer.

Reasons abound as to the source of discontent, perhaps he got bored of repeating the same vocal line over and over again throughout each song, or maybe he grew tired of being smashed in the face by the nonce with the microphone who insists on swinging it at every opportunity. --- The Color Fred Review. The nonce would be my beloved Adam. "He" would be Fred. Let's use our brains, idiots. No, the he is, i don't know, JON!


Sunday, March 2, 2008

What One Does When One Has No Life

I come here. Some people smoke crack, have promiscuous sex, or steal pencils from people. It depends what you're into. Today was a generally okay day, except that I spent all of it working on my gay-ass english project. But, i do have to give myself props for the painting, it looks great, and it only took 2 hours! I also had to study for our cumilative math test. Imagine, me studying! I know, but it's very crucial i don't fail this one too, i only have an 89.05% in that damn class. Which as we all know is a B. And i don't get B's.

In other news...
Who am i kidding? To have other news you have to have a life. Which i don't, thereby preventing me from having other news. Skip to the next section!

Band/Album/Song/-insert other crap here- Of the Week!
Highest Played Song On iTunes: Do You Feel by The Rocket Summer

Song Of The Week: The Ballad Of Sal Villanueva

"I hope he takes his time
and I hope he keeps your eyes closed tight
I hope that when he leaves,
you still smell him on your sheets
cause I can, I can."
-this is why we love TBS

Album Of The Week: Don't You Fake It. Yes, it's old, but OH SO AMAZING! They've got a new album coming out!!!!!