Okay, so it's the first official day of not having school and I'm sitting here writing a blog post. I hope this isn't reflective of the rest of my summer... Not that I don't love you guys and all. I also have to mow the lawn today. Dad said I should be careful, it's already been crashed into our swingset by Alex. Why Dad let him mow I have no idea. I was very upset until Dad said he wasn't getting paid. Then all was well in the world.
Okay, back to why I'm a human tomato. Well, Hailee and I decided to go kayaking to the point to look at the carp. Where we go Alex goes, so he tagged along. I had put sunscreen on my face prior to this, when I decided that I was going to tan on our porch. Yes, I do actually lay out there sometimes. Not often, that's for sure. Well, to be honest, I didn't even think about using sunscreen. The water was cold, that was my rational. Anyways, we got to the point and the carp were being carp and splashing us because we were interuppting their mating. It was great fun actually, I love running the carp over while they're in the middle of procreating. It makes me feel powerful, like God or something... No, I didn't just say that. Anyways, Hailee then had the bright idea to go to the bridge. We were certain it was just around the other side of the point. Suffice to say, it wasn't. We continued on though, the arm muscles weren't even sore yet. Key word: yet. We eventually kayaked down to the next point. We still hadn't seen the bridge, but we were confident it wasn't too far away. Haha, yeah. So, we started kayaking to what looked like a bridge and were oh-so-thankful to see that it was. So we parked our kayaks on the beach and ran to the water underneath it. This is going to be hard to explain, so create an image in your mind. Okay, it's like this little stream coming from a reservior. There are carp in it, and the water is like 10 inches deep. Yeah, the carp weren't even fully submerged. There was a pretty strong current flowing down to the lake, but the carp wanted to be upstream. So they were being salmon and going against it. Nothing can be salmon except salmon, so it wasn't working that great. Anyways, we hopped in the stream, played with the salmon, walked upstream. Swam a little in the reservior and decided to go back, because Zoey was coming and we didn't want her to be pissed. This was at like 3:00. We got back to the cabin at 4 and Zoey had been spending an hour with my mom. Zoey, if you see this, I'm sorry! But in total we went 6 miles in 4 hours. Without sunscreen... Okay, picture time!