Sunday, April 13, 2008

I Guess I Should Post This

Come on now, two posts in one day? Isn't that a bit excessive?
Answer: Of course it is. It's also me you're talking about. I don't have cable, the internet is slower than I ever thought possible, and all I'm doing is reading online stories.

HPSOI:DO YOU FEEL! by The Rocket Summer

^^ Honestly, that's not a surprise. At all. It's probably my favorite one off the entire album, and my third favorite song in the world? I was annoyed at the playcount so I reset it and so it only has 218 plays. I think before I reset it, Lying had the most. Which is not a surprise either. That song introduced me to Panic! At The Disco. Yes, the Goddamn exclamation is still there. This makes me feel all sad thinking about it!

S/AOTW:Where You Want To Be by Taking Back Sunday

Honestly, I didn't think I liked that many songs on this album, MAYBE 2. I hadn't really listened to it. Now, it's pure amazazingness.
Favorite Song On It: New American Classic, FOR SURE!
"Just ask the question come untie the knot
Say you won't care, say you won't care
Retrace the steps as if we forgot
Say you won't care, say you won't care"
TBS = Love

Wow, if you can figure out thos acronyms, claps for you. But no present because I still owe Stetts something...

NS/AOTW: Minutia by 504 Plan

Yeah, let's see any of you get your hands on this. You could try, you could search the internet, search the stores, and you wouldn't find it. It's amazing! 504 Plan is Jon Walker's old band, well, maybe it's not his, it's JUST BASS! (haha), but he's in it. Playing Bass/Vocaling. Obviously. No, he plays... THE GLOCKENSPIEL! Of course! No. ANYWAYS! It's super good, and dumb Patrick and Pete do guest vocalling. Who knew Pete could vocal??? Anyways, yet again, it's amazing
"I like it when we roll over and over
And talk to ourselves
It's not like something
I wish that I could have, I won't forget it,
To talk in circles like we do.
And with your half hearted laugh,
I'm forgetting the things I should say.
like when I said I needed help,
When I said I miss you."

Did everyone see how many honestlies that was? Now you can see that I really mean it, or that I'm just rambling... They're basically the same thing anyways... -eye roll-


Anonymous said...

That would have to be a lot of honestly's. I figured out the acronyms cause I'm semi-clever. Subsequently, I want another present. Don't worry, I'll think of things. This would have to be the end.

.m..a..d..d..y. said...

haha, you still need to tell me your substitute! well, i guess i should go check if you updated, cause i need some fun in my life. perhaps you've found more excerpts?

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, no. You could make that CD for me. : D Yeah? neat. Thank you.