Sunday, April 13, 2008

Nothing's Happened This Week To Create A Witty Title

Well... I don't know if there's much to say. I was sick on Friday, I hope you all noticed. I know I did. Um... I had the stomach flu I think? Achy body with a temp? Well, as I was getting out of bed I almost fell down the ladder, on account of how dizzy I was and my vision was blurring. It was pretty cool, that happened a lot. I was busy sleeping the day away, then I was listening to this girl talk about how she was almost dead cause she was a lesbian or something? I thought it was a dream, but I guess it was on oprah. Thank God it wasn't a dream, that's all I have to say... There would've been something in the water... I was sleeping while you all were at school, though I did text Zoey once every hour when I awoke. I drug my grandparents to Last Stop CD Shop and I found:

  • Almost Here
  • DECEMBERUNDERGROUND (I like to type it with all the caps and such)
  • A very tattered copy of Take This To Your Grave
  • WHERE YOU WANT TO BE!!!!! Oh my gosh, I was SOOOOOO excited, I have been looking for this for forever!
  • I also got a movie starring Michael Pitt

OH! Forever The Sickest Kids' new CD comes out the 29 of April, apparently the single is good, the internet is too slow to download it now. Um... Survivor was basically amazing. JASON SISKA ROCKED ASS AT THAT CHALLENGE! haha, he was amazing, that little snorkle thing... ingenious!

Well, if you haven't seen it, I'm sorry, you really should.

Um, that's about it, I don't really have anything interesting to say, other than to point out that I actually capitalized some stuff in this post, that's a first! Claps for me! Well, we have our band concert, and I'm really sucking at that solo, I think Stetts should play it... What do you say?


Anonymous said...

I read the "claps" thing as "chaps." hehehee. Anyway, Stetts should definitely NOT play the solo. I'll explain on Monday.

.m..a..d..d..y. said...

haha, see, you don't want to, but you do anyways cause you love me!

aww, i love you too!

only not like you're thinking...

Anonymous said...

hehehe... yes you do!