Friday, July 18, 2008

Jon og Walker. Oppdater En.

Jon bit meg igjen i dag. Jeg tror at jeg vil måtte være en bit kvikkere ved kasteen de rå potetene ned til dem, synes de til å vokse smart. Hvilken er meget uvanlig, gi deres genetiske. Undersøk til å lære kunner om dem forresten. Jeg antar jeg burde gi statistikk for kunner av deg som ikke vet om dem. Hvilken er alle unntar Kaitlyn. Jon er en kvinne, alder sju. Walker er en hann, alder fem. Jeg kom til å «få» dem endag da de knoppet av min arm. Som en STD. Deres far som blir fao blir stengedd til dem mens mating dem endag, og de gjorde merenn biter ham. De reproduserer ved å knoppe. Som vorter. Som STD. Eller som gremlins. Du vet ikke hvordan gremlins reproduserer ? Google som driter. Jeg har måttet ty til å slå dem til å beholde dem av meg. Du ville tro at etter år av å leve i min kjeller de ville være vant til meg sacking dem med døde grener. Tydelig ikke. Mine «barn» er helt herlige virkelig. De kan få kaitlynøyne til øye med deres sinn. Alle de tidene som hun trodde det var fra å stirre på dataskjermen det var virkelig Jon og Walker. De drar også inn i hennes hus og stjeler klær. Walker elsker hennes korte shorts spesielt. Lett tilgang og all. De kan ikke børste deres tenner fordi de blir steril, og de ville aldri tillate det. Varm opp. Hva ellers ? Ikke mer oppdatere nå, shriekingr de i kjelleren. En oppdatering vil komme eventuelt. Når de gjør noe... interessant.

Sorry, they speak Gremlin. Which isn't the same as English. Mad props if you can figure out which language this is and actually read what I wrote.


Melanie said...

Jon bit me again today. I think that I will have to be a bit kvikkere by kasteen the raw potatoes down to them, they seem to grow smart. Which is very unusual, to provide their genetic. Examine to be able to learn about them the way. I assume I'm supposed to be able to provide statistics of those who do not know about them. Which is all exclude Kaitlyn. Jon is a woman, age seven. Walker is a male, age five. I came to "get" them endag when the buds of my arm. As an STD. Their father who is fao is stengedd to them while feeding them endag, and they did merenn bit him. They reproduce by buds. As been. As an STD. Or that gremlins. You do not know how gremlins reproduce? Google that shit. I have had to resort to to turn them to keep them off me. You would think that after years of living in my basement they would be familiar to me sacking them with dead branches. Obviously not. My "children" are really quite delicious. They can get kaitlynøyne to eye on their minds. All the times that she believed it was to stare at the computer screen it was really, and Jon Walker. They also go into her house and steal clothing. Walker loves her short shorts in particular. Easy access and all. They can not brush their teeth because they are sterile, and they would never allow it. Warm up. What else? No further update now, shriekingr those in the basement. An update will come eventually. When they do something ... interesting.

It's Norwegian!

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA! Melly's translation put me into hysterics.

"They would be familiar to me sacking them with dead branches."

I'm not sure what that was originally, but it sounds fun.

.m..a..d..d..y. said...

*What it was actually supposed to say. Why didn't I save it??

"Jon bit me again today. I think that I will have to be a bit careful throwing raw potatoes down to them, they seem to be growing smarter. Which is odd given their genetics. Look at to learn about them fully. I suppose I should tell you guys about them, since no one knows about them. Excluding Kaitlyn. Jon is a female, age seven. Walker is a male, age five. I came to "obtain" them when they budded off my arm. Like an STD. Their father got a bit to close to them when feeding them, and they did more than bite him. They reproduce by budding. Like warts. Like an STD. Or like gremlins. You don't know how gremlins reproduce? Google that shit. I have had to resort to beating them to keep them away from me. You would think that after years of living in my basement they would be... *i'll finish later, i'm frustrated

.m..a..d..d..y. said...

accustomed to me sacking them with dead branches. Obviously not. My "children are really quite [not delicious, holy hell!] amazing [?]. They can hurt Kaitlyn's eyes with their minds. All those times she thought it was from staring at the computer screen it was really Jon and Walker. They also go into her house and steal clothing. Walker loves her short shorts especially. Easy access and all. They can't brush their teeth because they are sterile, and god knows they don't want that. Heat. What else? No more updates now, they're shrieking in the basement. An update will come eventually. When they do something interesting...

Maybe I should've picked a language you can translate back to on the dumb website I used!

Melanie said...

well, i was the closest...

thats what you get from using the internet.

...but it is norwegian right?