Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Okay, let's play a little game. I like games you know. -Spasmatic laughter- Sorry, just thinking. So life's been going pretty good, right? Well, for me it has. Other than the whole, "Holy shit I'm a failure and have been reduced to the masses". That was concerning my grades, just fyi. But really, other than that life has been pretty spiffy and awesome. Someone, -coughMEcough- developed a social life while her parents were MIA, and I have to tell you, it's nice. Well, so there is a point to this post. It's kind of a huge point. So...

Question: Guess who's pretty awesome life is about to be squashed?

Answer: MINE!

Did you get it right? I hope so, because I wouldn't bother typing something about anyone else on here.

Okay, now, who wants to know why my life is soon to end? Tragically, I might add. No guesses? BAND. And not band, band. FRICKING ALL-STATE AND SOLO CONTEST BAND. Yup, so that's going to be a failure and I will let my parents down and they will eat me. As is customary in my family.

Mr. Carlson was telling cannibal jokes today, that's where I got the eating from. Except that it really does happen like that.

Tata for now I suppose. I'll see you in hell! [Unless you're not going there then au revior!]


Anonymous said...

Oh Maddy, your spasmodic blog entries concern me sometimes. ...Oh piffle, I thought spasmodic was a very fitting word... and you had to go and use something similar. Anyway, you shouldn't feel bad about your grades, seeing as yours are better than those of the vast majority of the student population. You're still well above the masses. I would know, I'm well on my way to failing the AP test in history. Secondly, it's uncouth to brag about your "pretty awesome" social life on here. It makes those of us who have never experienced one feel bad. One more thing? You'd better be taking AP Econ, AP Gov, and AP Chem next year. I miss you lots so you'd better be in my classes.
Be happy, and don't let your parents eat you!

...my, i've never closed a message that way before...

.m..a..d..d..y. said...

Stetty I love you so much and you always cheer me up! Thank you!

But the recital really did suck. Rek can vouch for that.

And I end all my comments that way. That's also customary.