Friday, June 26, 2009


... why did no one like fricking slap me? Aren't you all sick of my moaning about this? Okay, we're friends. Nothing's changed. I don't know why I freaked out so badly. He could be dead or decide that we can't be friends. God, it could be something drastic. But it's not. I'm such a fricking drama queen. I'm over it now. Sure, life sucks, but we're friends. And I can hang out with him without worrying about all of this stuff. So there's a light at the end of the tunnel. It's the sun shining at the lake as we frolic about. Okay, that was retarded sounding. I'm sorry. But jeez. Sorry to anyone who had to listen to me rant on and on about this and kept trying to comfort me. I'm pretty sure you wanted to shake me by the shoulders and scream, "SNAP OUT OF IT WOMAN!" I'm glad you guys didn't, just fyi :] But yeah, that's all for now.

Check back again, there'll probably be some more updates after the 4th of July! If I can be bothered... I mean... if I have time :P


qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm! said...

YAY! I missed my normal, stable Maddy... <3

(*Grace*) said...

Check out this blog: It's dedicated to dead German metal bands. At least that's what I think those RIP dates are. The day you died. Look on the bright side, you're not a dead German metal band.

Or you are not a Frenchman named Kevin who calls his blog "Blog de Kevin." Yeah. Oh and I think his subtitle has something to do with a giant melon. Possibly. I haven't taken french yet, so I'm not sure what "J'ai un enorme melon" means. But heck, when you're feeling down, just randomly search blogs. You'll find out maybe your life isn't so bad after all!

mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq said...

I love Grace.