Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Weather Is...

... RAINY! Yay! Maybe I won't have to rake this weekend!

Sidenote: Why is my blog being so retarded??

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Boredom Is...

...what I am currently prone to these days. Sitting at home is not my idea of a fun weekend. Going to the lake and hanging out with all my friends is my idea of a fun weekend. Spending Easter with my family, while I do love them, does not quite exude the same amount of joy that a bonfire does. But, this is useless. I've begged, pleaded, promised not to crash. Does it work? No. I still cannot drive to the lake to see Brittney who is probably dying. Which she's really not, but my mom doesn't know that!
On a happier note, the water at the lake has risen sufficiently! Randy thinks we'll be able to put the jet ski by the dock again, which is good news for all of us! Hopefully it's up enough that we can put the boat in too, because I'll be damned if that thing's going to sit in the garage again all summer and serve as my resting place while everyone plays pingpong.
AP tests are coming up still and I have not even started to review. I should've gone to the AP World session today, but I was sleeping. I sleep a lot on the days that I can, because I know how valuable it is.
Wow, let's just ramble on for awhile... Ugh. Not even the internet is entertaining me like it normally does. At least I'm not pissed off at the world like I was yesterday. Yesterday was not a good day for me. A lot of things happened that made me mad, but today has been good. Granted I've only been awake for like 3 hours, but still. I think that's pretty good.
Okay, I'm going to go read my life away, toodles!
Oops, before I go, I have a present for all of you! THE DREAMER AND THE SLEEPER. Every song on their Myspace is absolutely amazing.
My favorites include:
  • Halloween
  • Leaving the Hospital; I'm Going Home
  • The Rain Song
  • Seventy-Six

So check them out and prepare for your ears to be blown off! Granted, they are slow and melodic, not fast and angry, but I find myself loving them more and more with every listen. I've been listening to them on repeat so that's a lot of love! <3>

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Turn Off The Lights And Turn Off The Shyness

Ah... Guess who's been listening to Fall Out Boy for a day straight? ME! They make me happy even though it's fricking snowing out.

Life is kinda sad right now... I'm dreading AP Tests! They are almost upon us and I have not been preparing as needed! Ah!

Toodles, I have to go watch a movie or my eyes will fall out of my sockets from boredom. I don't know what to watch though... Anything is better than having to see Kristen Stewart and her gaping jaw, though!