Wednesday, August 5, 2009

So It's Not Really All It's Cracked Up To Be...

... It turns out that being hated isn't as much fun as it seems. It kinda sucks to be on the other side of the gun, you know, the barrel side. [That just made me think of TBS and FOB and I got happy for a moment. Sorry.] But at least I know that she has absolutely no idea how to shoot a gun. Which is a good thing. She's an idiot, so I shouldn't even need to be worried in the first place. But yeah. It's not as much fun to be hated as it is to hate someone. Well, maybe that's just me, I guess. Seriously, though. What was I expecting? Was I just supposed to be a bitch, I mean, my true self, and expect her to still be apologetic? No, because I know that what I said was mean. It was mean, but it was so true. It wasn't even the fullest extant of the truth either. Which I'm kinda mad I didn't say now, because she pissed me the fuck off today. But then she went and deleted her Facebook. As did "Courtney Ryan". Wow. I'm just too smart for her. Which, as previously inferred, is not hard. Did she expect me to be an idiot? She's talked to me before, she knows that I'm not like the rest of her classmates. I'm actually smart. [I would like to believe.] So it made me happy to catch on to her ploy so quickly. It made me ridiculously happy, actually. Talking to him made me ridiculously happy tonight too. He's such an idiot. I can't even say. But that's all right, because I love him anyways.

But I need to sleep so I'm not dead tomorrow so nighty-o....


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